iMatch Quick Hitch Category 1

iMatch Quick Hitch Category 1

  • $566.97
    Unit price per 



One of the greatest operator concerns involves difficulty in attaching tractor implements. John Deere has addressed this issue with the iMatch Quick-Hitch.
The iMatch Quick-Hitch provides easy hookup and a guaranteed fit for all Category 1 implements designed to meet the ASAE Category 1 Standard S278.6 for quick-attach hitches.

Made in USA

All implements require a set of bushings in order for the attachment to fit and work properly with the iMatch Quick-Hitch. One set of lower bushings comes with the iMatch Quick-Hitch.

NOTE: All implements (box blades, tillers, rear blades, landscape rakes, etc.) require a set of bushings to enlarge the pin to fit with the iMatch hooks.

Upper bushing
  • Inside diameter of 0.76 in. to 0.77 in. (19 mm to 20 mm)
  • Outside diameter of 1.24 in. to 1.25 in. (31 mm to 32 mm)
Lower bushings
  • Inside diameter of 0.88 in. to 0.89 in. (22 mm to 23 mm)
  • Outside diameter of 1.43 in. to 1.44 in. (36 mm to 37 mm)

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